About Us


Sharing our bit of paradise with people from all over the world.

Arriving in the dark after a three hour drive through the mountains and a flight from Jakarta – I could only wonder why we had come all this way to scuba dive in East Bali. Surely, there were easier places to go for a diving vacation. It wasn’t until the next morning when I saw the most amazing sunrise and the crystal blue sea that I knew that this was a special place.

A few years ago we set out to create a beautiful collection of villas where we could share our bit of paradise with people from all over the world.

My wife Marcela, a trained architect, designed and built the structures that infuse the flow of the land, the natural beauty of the area and incorporate local and sustainable eco-friendly building materials.

Aquamarine Beach Villas welcomes you

We are committed to protecting and preserving the natural beauty of the area. We support Peduli Alam and Trash Hero in providing waste bins and donations. We will look for new and innovative ways to be a positive actor in our community with sustainability as our underlying ethos.

We will treat our staff fairly, honestly and with respect, offer a competitive living wage in an atmosphere of mutual trust, team work and accountability.

Our mission is to offer our guests a luxury vacation experience at an affordable price. Beautifully designed ocean front & sea view villas where guests can truly relax with family, friends and loved ones – a place to recharge and experience the splendor of the sea.